Title: Never Seduce a Scot
Author: Maya Banks
Reviewed By: Dede
Rating: *****
My review:
Let me just say that this book was a slow build up to the main action, but what a slow burn it was! Every woman would love to have a Graeme in her life and most man would love to have a Eveline. Loyal to the end.
When I began reading this book I thought that Graeme would have been horrible to her but what a shock he was. Everyone thought that Eveline is dumb but all she really was, was deaf from a riding accident where she fell from her horse. From the very beginning Graeme respected her when no one else from his clan would.
In the beginning his brothers found it hard to change their views but because of the courage that Eveline displayed they eventually saw that she was indeed the woman for their brother to marry.
Eveline, in the beginning was afraid to tell anyone that she is not really daft for fear that she would have to marry Ian McHugh. It is Graeme's sister who realizes this and coaxed Eveline to let Graeme know.
In the end, I thought that he would not discover where she was being hidden after she was taken by Ian but luckily he did. Graeme was portrayed throughout the book as kind of a soft bruiser of a leader but in the end the writer really showed that Graeme, although, just and kind can still deliver a death sentence to all that cross him. Overall, this book was pleasing for me to read and I would continue to read more of Maya Banks books.
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